Sunday, November 24, 2013

Busy; Jared

He may be the smallest but oh my, the actions and personality aren't small. #proudparent

Sporting Business Class

Demitri posing in his tux.

New Bike Repair Man in training

One of the hobbies I used to have here in Haven was fixing the bikes. By far the best mind relaxer, unwinding hobby I've stumbled across. When we got here several weeks ago, one of the first things folks asked me was if I was going to repair bikes again so after some thought I decided it would be great activity for Drew and myself. Even if it meant spending more time teaching Drew then actually fixing bikes. This pic is of Drew's very first bike repair job; he replaced the entire front rim, tube and tire. He put another used tire on the rear wheel, he properly inflated the tires, he lubed the drivetrain and then took it for a test ride. Oh, what accomplishment glee he had. Priceless.
Yes, I managed to fix a few bikes myself in those few days we went there. Our bike shop schedule is 5-6:30pm weekdays. We haven't had time to clean up the bike shop or organize things; first we need to catch up on all the repairs. Drew has already selected his next project... I can't wait.

Drew's Manicure

Drew's toenails were so long we had to use Demitri's chainsaw to trim them.

Nov 19 - Happy Birthday Demitri

Nov 19th had us see our last 5yr old turn 6! Now we are at three 6yr olds. Demitri has been talking about a chainsaw for the past 8 months and for his birthday he got this life like replica of a Husqvarna chainsaw complete with idle, full throttle sounds and rotating chain. Wow!

Nov 24 - Sunday Morning

This is "the moment" all parents wish for on Sunday mornings; all your kids independently organized themselves and did something quietly while you and your better half enjoy a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22 - First Snow

Welcome this morning with a bit of snow that fell overnight.