Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Countdown to Trip 3 is on

Final few days before Trip 3 gets underway later this weekend. Gathering essential niggles, equipment, and downloading mappage. Them two trip 3 helpers have never been out of North America so should be a downright life changing experience for them. I'm hiding some smugness here because I've already had some of the bugout moments their about the experience. Maybe for one of my next two posts we should have them introduce themselves. Let me get some consent forms signed first...
Check out this Google Maps capture of the route from Kiev to Kiliya Ukraine. Its suggesting a 8hr 25mins duration for the trip; try 10-12 hrs for a more realistic estimate. Obviously Google Maps knows nothing of the craters (36-48" diameter by 4-6" deep) that dot the highway during the last 2 hrs before you reach Kiliya.

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