Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Roadside Markets - "Take that Walmart"

On our way back to Kiev today our coordinator lady Alla and the drivers did a whole van load of fruits and veggies shopping. Boy, did I wish Stick Vetter had been along to rid the van of some of that cantalope smell. There were boxes of watermelon, bags of peaches, plums, cantalope, grapes, tomatoes, flats of eggs & the final item on list she couldn't find for right price; onions. We had boxes and bags stacked in the back, under the seats and even stacked next to her seat.
Nevertheless, the combo of aromas in our Renault Trafic minivan was quite concentrated at times.
The market along the roadside is families selling their homegrown wares OR lots of times these small time fruit brokers who have nothing but a large cargo Sprinter style van that go to the poorer cheaper areas like Kiliya and buy the fruits off of family farms and haul them half ways back to Kiev where they sell then for a decent profit. Remember, starting from Kiliya stuff is cheapest and as you get closer to Kiev it gets more expensive. During today's two dozen roadside shopping stops I managed to snap some decent pics of different stands because we were standing still, something you dont take forgranted when most pics are taken at blurring speeds on treacherous roads. Enjoy.

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