Friday, September 27, 2013

Sept 27 - Danger Zone Entered....

Bad News Alert: the 2 hour window (7-9am Washington DC time coincides with the 3-5pm time here) of opportunity just closed with no news meaning we won't get to travel home this weekend. Groan - it now moves to hearing from them on Monday which means we have to be here another 3 days to hear from them. I'm now entering the "mental danger" zone of going crazy here. Gonna take some creativity to spend the weekend and make it go quicker.


  1. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! This will all be a distant memory soon...not soon enough, but soon : ) I recommend you take the metro to an area that you have never been. Find a new place to eat...that might shake thins up a touch. Hoping for good news Monday!

    1. Drawing up emergency contingency plans; called coordinator to see if other family from US who is stuck here exactly like we are same reason and just as long as we are about meeting up in a park or for lunch at a restaraunt. Also looked up the zoo so will ride the metro to see the zoo tomorrow if other couple doesn't want to meet up. Just now got back from walking down to one of our original apartments to play on playground near there then went to that awesome Ukrainian restaraunt that's cheap but very good homesyle cooking.

  2. It sounds like you had a good Saturday. Just 2 more days, hopefully!
    I hope you get to meet up with the other family. You could be an encouragement to them, as well as them encouraging you!

    1. Our coordinator said she would arrange it but it never happened.
