Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Picking up the Boys: Includes note by Mary Basel

Last night we picked up our two boys at the Baby house (The director of the baby house threw a bash for the Florida couple and us with Armenian Cognac, chocolates and all.) and since that time the two boys have kept four adults busy full time. I haven't eaten real meal since we picked them up, everything you try to do is based on what the boys are doing at that very moment. The first night in my life where I've gotten up every half hour to check on someone tossing or turning in bed. Around 12 midnight we finally got the older boy to go to sleep. The younger boy is much more laid back and dozed off right away.
As for the boys, they are totally adorable, intuitive, intelligent, precious beyond our wildest expectations. Blog more later, there is a boy here reaching across the table trying to help me type the blog.
Mary Basel's Diary Entry:
What a feeling that the moment had actually come!! It looked almost unbelievable to pick those children up and walk out with them. Drew, a ball of dynamite; Demitri, a little whiny, though he looked ok when Jennifer was holding him. She thought they had grown a little since she last saw them.
 The other couple had a girl, 18 months old, is she ever a beautiful girl. The couple looked absolutely in awe that she was really theirs.


  1. It really sounds like you're getting your first taste of parenthood - sleepless nights and all! It sounds like everything is going great! We're happy for you. One day at a time...

  2. Wonderful to hear you have the boys. Life will be different, but I'm sure it won't be anything you can't handle. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing pictures.
    EEW @ Hutterville
