Friday, October 2, 2009

Final Trip - Underway

We are on our way to Minneapolis to begin the flight to Russia early tomorrow morning. In Minneapolis we are meeting my in-laws (Ben and Maria Maendel) who will be traveling with us to bring home our boys.
We'll be leaving 7:00 am for JFK, landing around 10 am, then leaving for Moscow at 4:30 pm.


  1. We are eagerly waiting to see pictures of you and the boys. But once you have them, you'll be so busy playing daddy and mommy you might not have time for much else! God bless and come home safely with your precious cargo.
    EEW @ Hutterville

  2. May God go with you Jonte & Jen; also Ankela and Olvetter. May His protection surround you every mile and every day. He has brought you this far and we're praying that He continues to lead you.

    Best Wishes,
    from all your friends here at Oak Bluff;

  3. We're thinking of you in this life-changing journey, and pray that God protects you and brings you safely home. So happy for you, and wish you the very best!!

    Warm regards,
    from your friends at GreenAcres

  4. Thanks for the heart-warming pictures and news.Jonte,thanks for the effort of staying in touch by phone whenever possible.May God watch over you all and the little ones.
    Mom,Dad and Victoria
    please,call Dad asap

  5. Jonte':could you get in contact with us at home by phone? dad

  6. Jonte'could you contact us at home by phone?Dad

  7. Hi family of four!
    Everyone here at Crystal Spring is very excited for you! The safe arrival of your two boys was even announced on the PA this morning! Ian printed a pic to put on the bulletin board... but it's from last year! I just thought I'd let you know that we're thinking of you and are praying that everything goes well as the boys... and you settle in.

    Anita, and all at CSC
