Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday's Plan - Executed

Yes, Tuesday went as planned. Our driver (a new one again) and coordinator showed up at 6:10am, we packed all our stuff out of the lovely Kiev aparrtment and into his Mercedes Benz minivan and set out for Kiliya. We made good time with this driver. He had a modern GPS but still asked for directions and we used the best and shortest road and get to Kiliya around 3pm. Having two people along who had never been here added enough newness and questions about scenes seen along the way, to shorten the days drive and provide an opportunity to introduce them to things and experiences we had already been familiar with and provide some good natured fun.
But, getting to Kiliya wasn't the only thing on the day's agenda; we visited the courthouse to pickup our 15 copies of required documents, then had them signed and stamped. Then drove to orphanage to pickup more papers during the time which the boys had their siesta so we didn't get to see them. Then went to our favorite Kiliya restaraunt for our first real meal of the day. Everyone had a wonderful time, even our driver. So with that we went to our hotel to call it a day. Jen and myself have another day of travel on Wednesday so another 5:10am wake up coming up.

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