Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hi to All Readers

I'm quickly posting this to inform all followers of this blog that it is not for lack of trying that no pics, videos etc have shown up on our blog up to this point. I spent 4.6hrs last night trying to post pics, videos and 3 days of activities on here to no avail. First I figured out that Google; the owners of BLOGGER and CHROME BWOWSER don't have things all figured out and somehow nothing seemed to work. So I lost 2.5hrs trying and finally switched to Firefox and then stuff worked better but, all my text that I had typed into Openoffice.org on the way over generated oodles of errors when i pasted it into the blog from Openoffice.org. After over 4hrs of trying I gave up and went to bed again at 5am Siberia time. But, todays visit with the boys made up for all this lost effort. So I'll try posting some pics now using all my new knowledge of the blogger.

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