Arriving in Novokuznetsk after the 4hr flight from Moscow its something like 6:45am now and in this airport you land and disembark on the tarmac and get shuttled to the building which is about 1/2 mile away.

Riding the Shuttle Bus to Novokuznetsk Airport building after getting of plane on Tarmac.

Walking into the Novokuznetsk Airport Terminal. Big welcome sign overhead, with birds chirping in the tree to the right of us. The sun is about to come up here.

The infamous damaged bag got lost again. Here I'm waiting for this damaged bag. We had all our luggage except this piece. Finally, Debbie (the couple traveling with us) spotted it leaning against the wall by doorway. Someone took it off the luggage conveyor and put it by entry. Whew.. .escaped without loss again!
Getting off the plane here in Novokuznetsk we finally meet up with the couple from NewYork that we traveled with to meet our children. We will be traveling with them for the rest of our stay here in Novo.

Here we meet our coordinator for the first time this trip. (arranged by the adoption agency, works for the adoption agency) The driver of the van is also a regular driver for the adoption agency. (Please tell me when we will get the diesel engines in our vans back home.)

Hotel Novokuznetsk, upon arriving in Novokuznetsk at 6:45am in the morning they took us back to the hotel to check in, and will pick us up to go out to the babyhouse at 9am. So we had time to clean up, get bright eyed and bushy tailed before meeting the boys. This hotel doesn't look like much but the enmities are all there, very decent and good services here, has home style mom-daughter cooking in the tiny corner on one floor.

This is the couple from New York (Kevin and Debbie) that are traveling with us to adopt as well. We are traveling in the Toyota Hi-ACE Diesel Powered van featuring LazyBoy style seating. Somehow adopting folks share some qualities and we've hit it off with all such couples we have met.
We were standing in the Domodedovo Airport in Moscow waiting to go through customs and right in front of us in our line there was this couple carrying a stroller, toys and other baby items but no baby. So I tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he was in the adoption process and he turns around "yeah, we are here to take home our child from eastern Russia." They are from Chicago and were coming to take home their 2yr old son. So we got to talking with them for the 15min we were stuck in this slow moving customs line.

On our way to the babyhouse to meet the boys on the first day we got stopped by the police for going 9kms over the speedlimit. I asked if it was the city limits but the coordinator said it doesn't matter whether in the citylimits, village limits or out on the open road you can normally go 9-12 kms over the limit. This police didn't think so. Our driver had to go sit in the police car while they wrote him a ticket. My pics through the van windows are bad because the windows on the van are always dirty or fogged in.

This post ends here and I will do my next post, before I post any pics of the boys, with just scenery and buildings I photographed while driving thru the countryside on way to the babyhouse.
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